The Masses, 2017. Cyclops concert in collaboration with Philippe Eustachon and Enrique Arriaga. Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich, 2016. HD video, B/W and color with sound. Lenght 47'. Photo: Estudio Amorales. Artist archive
A single-shot video recording of a rock band’s performance at the Cabaret Voltaire in Zürich. The band plays five songs made up of fragments of a speech by Antonin Artaud, developing a narrative that moves from the subjetivity of the individual to its dissolution in the masses. In The Masses a concert is proposed as a cinematic apparatus in which performance, poetry and music come together, describing the existencial exodus of the subject in its confrontation with society.A single-shot video recording of a rock band’s performance at the Cabaret Voltaire in Zürich. The band plays five songs made up of fragments of a speech by Antonin Artaud, developing a narrative that moves from the subjetivity of the individual to its dissolution in the masses.
Video still
Video still
Poster of the concert in Zürich
Lyrics from songs by the band Cyclops, based on speeches by Antonin Artaud, 2016-17. Artist archive
Lyrics from songs by the band Cyclops, based on speeches by Antonin Artaud, 2016-17. Artist archive
Lyrics from songs by the band Cyclops, based on speeches by Antonin Artaud, 2016-17. Artist archive
Lyrics from songs by the band Cyclops, based on speeches by Antonin Artaud, 2016-17. Artist archive